Brake are very important components of a car that works to stop or reduce the speed of the car. If the brakes do not work, it can be fatal and can endanger the life of the driver or passenger. Therefore, recognize the symptoms decreased ability of the brake while driving. In general, the following are symptoms of damage to the brake which can be recognized:

1. Car brake Feels Vibrate.
When pressed, the brake pedal is felt vibrating and getting worse when pressed at high speeds. This is caused by the surface Disc or drum brakes is not flat anymore. The surface of the disc or drum brakes that are not flat should be replaced.

2. When braking the brake pedal feels heavy or hard
This problem generally occurs on the brake booster. Modern cars are equipped with a brake booster to lighten the brake pedal. So, if there is a problem with the booster usually rubber booster membrane is damaged and must be done replacement.

3. When braking feels deep
When the braking feels deep and less grip, the possibility the brake pads were thin. This can be overcome by replacing the new brake pads, brake already thin if left unchecked, could lead to further damage on the disc or drum brakes because rubbing against the brake shoes.

4. When Braking Must Pumped
When the braking must be pumped, there may be parts that leak that causes the brake fluid is reduced, causing the wind enter into a pipe or hose brakes. To find out, try to check the leak from the master cylinder, hoses, until the wheel cylinder or brake caliper. If there is a leak, it will show the brake fluid seepage. If there is a leak in the brake system immediately repair and remove the wind from the brake system by bleeding or bring the car to the garage.

5. Car Run Left Or Right

This is caused by the piston brakes on one of the wheels jammed. For example Piston brake on the front left side jammed. When braking, right brake stronger grip it causes the car will throw to the right.




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